Archaeology 360: The Hill of Tara, Co. Meath

I’ve taken my 360-degree 3D Vuze camera to some sites that are interesting and important to me, but they’re hardly well known. That changes now! A while back I had the opportunity to go to Tara, Co. Meath and play around up there. Unfortunately, the camera wasn’t as excited to be on this important site as I was, and insisted on repeatedly cutting out after only a sort amount of time filming. For all that, I think they resulting short clips are worth presenting to give a feeling for the place. If you don’t already know, the Hill of Tara is an ancient ceremonial and burial site and I will not attempt to paraphrase the entire Wiki page here, but go have a read for yourself [ here ]. I’ve compiled the tour into a consecutive YouTube playlist [ here ], or you can access each video clip individually here: Standing Stones in Churchyard Pt. I [0:15] Standing Stones in Churchyard Pt. II [0:30] Ráth Chaelchon (Sloping Trenches) [0:13] Banqueting Hall [0:13] Ráth na Seanadh ...