Archaeology in Social Media | Chronicles 09

Hello & welcome again to my personal pic of what's interesting to read in Irish archaeology & related topics on ... go ahead, have a read ... it's free! Philip Macdonald: The Base of a Probable Candlestick from the Mass Rock at Carrickanaltar, Aghanaglack, County Fermanagh Philip Macdonald: A New Survey of Templecormick, Audleystown, County Down Philip Macdonald: Medieval Belfast Considered Philip Macdonald: Excavations within the Woolworth’s and Burton Building, High Street, Belfast Philip Macdonald: Archaeological Evaluation of the Inaugural Landscape of Crew Hill (Cráeb Telcha), County Antrim Philip Macdonald & Barrie Hartwell: Anne Plumptre and the Giant’s Ring, County Down: an Account of a Possible Bleach-Green Watch-Tower Philip Macdonald, Naomi Carver, & Mike Yates: Excavations at McIlwhans Hill, Ballyutoag, County Antrim Stephen Cameron, Philip Macdonald, & Brian Sloan: Two Assemblages of Worked Flint from Lin...