Archaeology in Social Media | Chronicles 15

Books ( Source ) Greetings dear reader and welcome, once again, to my personal trawl through the archaeological (mostly Irish) papers on Before we begin, please take a moment to check out Stuart Rathbone’s rather excellent new book Archaeological Boundaries. Discussions, Experiments and Unprovoked Attacks . While you can download it for free from the Leanpub site, it’d be lovely if you felt moved to contribute a few pounds/euros/dollars … whatever you’ve got! Anyway, here’s my latest list of ‘what’s good to read’ – enjoy! Philip Macdonald Archaeological Excavation at Inisloughlin, County Antrim: Identifying the Gaelic Fort of 'Enishlanghen' Stephen Cameron, Philip Macdonald, & Brian Sloan Two Assemblages of Worked Flint from Linford, County Antrim Spencer Carter Lithics Report | Analysis of a lithic find from Weaverthorpe, North Yorkshire, for East Riding Archaeology Michelle Comber Trade and Communication Networks in Earl...