Co Down: Archaeological Objects at The British Museum

The British Museum holds 62 items identified as coming from Co Down, along with a further two items attributed to Antrim/Down. The majority of these (16) are assigned to the Bronze Age, followed by the Neolithic/Bronze Age (13) and Medieval period (11). The most common object type represented are vessels (15), followed by axes (8). The most common material types represented in this assemblage are Metal (28) and Stone (17), followed by Pottery (15), Glass (3), and Bone (1). < Table of Contents Neolithic: Stone items Down scraper (?); flake 20050504.960 Flint flake, possibly used as scraper; some percussive ripples remaining on lower side; retouching is bifacial but is for the most part concentrated on upper face; brown colour. Down scraper (?); flake 20050504.970 Flint flake, possibly used as knife or scraper; retouched bifacially, mostly c...