Co Waterford: Archaeological Objects at The British Museum

The British Museum holds 16 items identified as coming from Co Waterford. The majority of these (6) are assigned to the Neolithic, followed by the Early Medieval period (3). The most common object type represented are leaf arrow-heads (5), followed by possible scrapers (2). Only two material types are represented in this assemblage: Stone (9) and Metal (7). < Table of Contents Neolithic: Stone items Knockboy leaf arrow-head 19910410.146 Flint arrow-head of leaf-point shape; retouched bifacially; relatively wide (over half as wide as long); grey colour due to patination. Knockboy transverse arrow-head 19910410.151 Flint arrow-head, transverse; made on a flake; retouched bifacially, though significantly more on one face than on opposite; backed; one edge chipped; grey colour.