I know, I know! … This is supposed to be an
archaeology blog, so what am I doing taking a tangent off into the world of
Game of Thrones? Well … everything and nothing, I suppose.
The obligatory 'Iron Throne' photo |
On one level, the books and TV show are a
remarkably successful reworking of various Medievally and Renaissancey vibes.
On another, the costumes and props are testament to vast skill by a huge
variety of amazing craftspeople. Both of these are wonderful and laudable,
but it’s not why I wanted to share some images from the exhibition at the
Waterfront Hall (which closed today, Sunday June 15th … sorry). Beyond the
actors, the CGI and all these fine costumes, sets, and props, quite a bit of
the TV show is filmed here in Northern Ireland, my adopted home. So many of the landscapes of Westeros (and some of Essos), so familiar on our screens, are all within driving distance of Belfast. Similarly, quite a few Northern Irish heritage sites also appear in supporting roles, helping bring this entire world to life. So, if you’re
a fan, or even if you’ve never heard of the show (where have you been for the
last four+ years?), – enjoy the photos and, perhaps, think about coming here to
see the real locations for yourself. [Click on any image for larger versions]
Costumes for Daenerys Targaryen |
Necklace worn by Daenerys Targaryen at the taking of Yunkai |
Dragon eggs |
Story boards from Season 3 |
L: Jaime Lannister R: Brienne of Tarth |
Chapple minor surveys a severed hand |
By season 7 this wall will be huge ... |
Chapple minor surveys a severed wolf head |
L: Arya Stark R: Gregor 'The Hound' Clegane |
Stick 'em with the pointy end ... |
L: Jon Snow R: Ygritte |
Jon Snow's sword, 'Longclaw' |
'Longclaw': Detail of pommel |
Ygritte's bow |
Overview of the exhibition |
L: Melisandre M: Stannis Baratheon R: Davos Seaworth |
Melisandre's choker with red stone |
The Occulus Rift trip to the top of the wall! (Not for the faint of heart!) |
Tyrion Lannister |
L: Sansa Stark R: Oberyn Martell |
Cersei Lannister |
L: Margaery Tyrell R: Joffrey Baratheon |
Selection of weapons |
Eddard Stark's sword 'Ice' |
L: 'Oathkeeper' R: Sword of Gregor 'The mountain' Clegane |
Inside the exhibition |
Sansa Stark's necklace from the Purple Wedding |
Petyr_Baelish's mockingbird |
Crowns: Top: Margaery Tyrell Bottom: Joffrey Baratheon |
L: Loras Tyrell's Rose R: Hand of the King |
Model of the top of the wall |
Collection of Wildling artefacts |
L: Bran Stark R: Hodor |
Check these out:
IMDB’s full list of filming
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