Further Adventures in Head Carrying in Ireland and beyond!
[** If you like this post, please make a donation to the IR&DD project using the button at the end. If you think it is interesting or useful, please re-share via Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc . To help keep the site in operation, please use the amazon search portal at the end of the post - each purchase earns a small amount of advertising revenue**] There’s a story in my family about the time that late father bought a white car. It was in the early 1990s and no one had a white car. Well, that was the opinion of the rest of the family – I’d never seen one driving about! White cars are pretty distinctive – they’re the type of thing that one would definitely notice. We were quite confident that, despite my dad’s reassurances, we were the owners of one of the few white cars west of the Shannon. It may, perhaps, have even been unique. Or so we thought! We hadn’t had it long when we noticed other cars of the same colour out and about on the roads. Where had these cars been hid...