People and Their Worlds | UCD Archaeological Research Seminar | Part II
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< Part I | Part III >
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Loughmoe Castle, Co. Tipperary (Source) |
Welcome back to Session 2, of UCD’s Archaeological Research
Seminar People
and Their Worlds, dedicated to Medieval Europe. Suitably refreshed
after a cup of warm, nourishing coffee we were immediately into the first of
the session’s papers on Loughmoe Castle and the end of the middle ages
by Prof. Tadhg O’Keeffe.
He began by noting that Loughmoe
Castle, near Templemore, Co. Tipperary, is quite familiar to passengers on
the Dublin-Cork train, as the railway passes quite close-by. He described the
structure as ‘the most spectacular example in Ireland of an early modern
incastellated house incorporating a late medieval tower-house.’ Despite it
being a National Monument in State Care, it has received relatively little
research attention and there is no available analysis of its design, nor its
importance in understanding the transitional phase from the middle ages to the
early modern period in Ireland. And that's just what he intended to do! Just so we’re quite clear: this is no small
task that O’Keeffe has set himself, and all the more impressive that he
intended to get it done in the allotted quarter-hour! He describes it as not
medieval and, yet, not post-medieval. He sees the structure as somewhere in the
middle between the two and will go so far as to call it ‘transitional’, but
stipulates that it must be with a small ‘t’ and in inverted commas! The site
has two main phases, the first is a tower house and the second is the incastellated
house added to the front of the earlier building. In terms of date, the tower
house is probably of the late 15th century and, in many respects, is typical of
Munster tower houses. The later house is more difficult to date as there are no
surviving architectural records etc. However, O’Keeffe dates it, on stylistic
grounds, to the middle of the first half of the 17th century, c.1620-30. An examination of the inside
of the house shows that all the floors were of timber and are now gone, leaving
the thin-walled structure in danger of collapse. At around the same time as the
building of the house, a new, inscribed, fireplace was inserted into the tower
Taking Graystown Castle, Co. Tipperary, as his example,
O’Keeffe noted that at the end of the Middle Ages the layout of Irish castles
was typically one where the room at the top of the structure was a private
space and that an adjacent building was used as the public hall. By c.1600 we see a new architecture that is
without precedent in Ireland (e.g. Mallow
Castle, Co. Cork – probably the first Elizabethan house in Ireland). This
is, essentially, the start of the Georgian architectural order and encompasses
‘integration’ – where the hall is brought back into the main building;
‘symmetry’ – a word that should really be a palindrome!; and ‘exteriority’, a
concept O’Keeffe explains in terms of the placing of, say, windows with more of
an interest on how they will appear on the exterior of the building, rather
than where they are necessary on the inside. At Loughmoe there is the evidence
for all of these three aspects, but it is the ‘exteriority’ that is key to
understanding the structure. For example, stringcourses
are used to clearly demonstrate to the viewer the number of stories in the
structure. The putative ‘back’ of the building is actually a display façade
while the ‘front’ is slightly asymmetrical. O’Keeffe notes that this form of
asymmetry is not found in any similar structures either before or after this
time. He argues that this may be a deliberate attempt to create a ‘new great
chamber’ for an audience familiar with the old architectural order. As such, Loughmoe may be
seen as a truly ‘transitional’ building – looking back as well as forward to
bridge the gap between the medieval and the modern.
Then it was the turn of the magnificent and wonderful Aidan O’Sullivan
(Heritage Council/INSTAR)
(then just Dr. – now Prof.) to talk about: Early
medieval Ireland in northwest Europe, AD 300-1100 - or, what’s next for the
Early Medieval Archaeology Project (EMAP)? His stated aim was to reflect on
seven years of research and where we should go next. He was quick to point out
that this latter point was extremely significant and that decisions made now
could take another seven years to fulfill – potentially a significant portion of
a researcher’s career. Going back to the pre-Celtic Tiger days,
O’Sullivan noted that we had knowledge of c.47,000
raths/ringforts &
cashels, c.2,000 crannogs, c.5,500 Early
Christian church sites, and a general understanding that something
extraordinary was going on in Ireland from the 6th century onwards. Since then
we have carried out literally thousands of excavations of Early Christian sites
of one kind or another, though most were unpublished and only available as grey literature. By
2007 a looming publication crisis had been identified by a UCD foresight
committee, in conjunction with the Royal Irish
Academy etc, and was part of the
genesis of the INSTAR
approach. EMAP
was the first INSTAR project and was a collaboration between UCD and Queen’s University Belfast that
produced 12 PhD scholarships, c.28
peer reviewed papers, and 52 conference papers. Nine major EMAP reports have
been published online and O’Sullivan stressed the project’s commitment to open
access and their firm belief that open access does not harm formal publication.
In 2008 they made available a database of c.3,300
Early Christian sites. In the following year they published a detailed
bibliography for the topic, followed in 2010 by a 2 volume synthesis of the
entire period. In 2011 they published an account of the archaeology of
livestock and cereal production, with a volume in the following year on rural
secular sites. In 2013 they published on the economy of Early Medieval Ireland.
In 2014 they have published one vast volume with the RIA: Early Medieval Ireland, AD 400-1100: The
Evidence from Archaeological Excavations and another volume in the BAR
International Series: Early medieval Dwellings and Settlements in
Ireland, AD 400-1100, BAR S2604. If that weren’t impressive enough,
there are a further three volumes due to be published with BAR [see here for
the reports, and here for a
list of the publications].
With this truly significant body of publications as its
basis, O’Sullivan believes that we are ready to start formulating new sets of
research questions. The first of his questions that could drive the future
direction of Early Christian research is: who were the people of Early Medieval
Ireland? … and more importantly … who did they think they were? Such a research
pathway would take in their understandings of religious beliefs, along with
other notions of identity, including gender and ethnicity. Next on the list is
how did people live together? Our understanding now is that the vast majority
of people lived in enclosures and that the large numbers of unenclosed
settlements have never been found because they don’t exist. The third potential
question is: do we see the emergence of ‘villages’ in the 9th century? … and
how do such entities relate to the economy? Related to this is O’Sullivan’s
argument that much work remains to be done on our understanding of the Viking
towns. Next on his research shopping list is: how was agriculture organised? We
now know that dairying existed in Ireland in the 6th and 7th centuries and is not the revolutionary introduction it was once thought to have
been. Other aspects that could be examined are the ways in which people
interacted with natively produced and imported wares (including Gaulish
E ware). Other models that could be examined include the agencies of
entrepreneurial merchants or coastal communities. He also suggests looking at
what’s being exported from Ireland at this time, including shoes, slaves, and
butter – the last attested in a letter that complains of the sudden scarcity of
the commodity in Bobbio, in
north-western Italy. Thus, we should be looking to Europe for distinctively
Irish artefacts and evidence of exports. While we are mulling over which of
these interesting and exciting avenues to pursue, O’Sullivan notes that current
projects include a large-scale review of the various Viking excavations and
another of Liam
dePaor’s excavations at Inis
Cealtra. The overall feeling from O’Sullivan’s presentation was that we’ve
done so much important work to collect the material together and we’re now at a
point where some really interesting and fundamental questions can be framed,
that simply could not have been conceived of in the pre-Celtic Tiger world.
With the presentation tight up against it for time, we broke for lunch and I
think I’ll leave my review here for the present.
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