Sixty Three Thousand Euros ... or Twelve and a Half pence in old money
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Sixty Three Thousand Euros ... or Twelve and a Half pence in old money
Stuart Rathbone
Godwin's law asserts that
"as an online
discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or
Hitler approaches 1".
Although this isn't strictly correct it does neatly highlight how quickly
internet discussions can become bad tempered, irrational and vitriolic. Any
follower of online archaeological discussion groups will know that one subject
that almost always goes off the deep end at an alarming speed is the topic of
metal detection. After partaking in several such discussions recently my good friend
Robert invited me to tackle some aspects of the subject on his popular blog. I
am slightly suspicious that this is the editorial equivalent of shoving
somebody into the path of an oncoming car, but Bob you'd never do something
like that to me, would you?
As most people reading this piece will no
doubt be aware it is not illegal to Metal Detect in Ireland. However,
any use
of a Metal Detector must be done under Licenses issued by the National Monuments Service in conjunction
with the National
Museum of Ireland (see also: here). Your average man on the street is not going to be issued
with such licenses so in effect there is no legal hobby of Metal Detection in
Ireland. A succinct summary of the situation was provided during a recent on
line discussion by the 9th level Geophysical Ninja James Bonsall:
"The use of a detection device in Ireland is illegal, unless you are in possession of a Ministerial Consent commonly known as a 'Detection Licence'. Detection devices include any device capable of detecting archaeological objects, deposits or caves and include terrestrial geophysical instruments (magnetometers, earth resistance meters, GPR, etc and metal detectors, as well marine geophysical instruments (side-scan sonar, towfish magnetometers and marine metal detectors). As a geophysicist, I have to submit a Detection Licence application and Method Statement to the National Monuments Service for each survey that I carry out. I have been carrying out geophysical surveys in Ireland for 12 years and I have applied for and received many Detection Licences. I cannot dig for any of the anomalies, deposits or objects that I find. If I wish to dig then I need another Ministerial Consent, commonly known as an Excavation Licence. I'm not entitled to an Excavation Licence because, despite 2 archaeological degrees, I don't have anywhere near the necessary experience to pass the Licence Exam. This is not a complaint - I'm merely illustrating that the excavation of archaeological objects or deposits must be carried out by professionals with appropriate experience and understanding of the law. So the hobby of metal detecting actually breaks two laws under Irish Legislation: to use a detection device without a Detection Licence and excavating an archaeological object without an Excavation Licence."
Metal Detectors and Me
Now Metal Detection
is not really one of the standard methods used in Irish Archaeology but, as
luck would have, it I am one of what I assume to be a reasonably small number
of License Eligible Archaeologists that has undertaken substantial amounts of
Metal Detection within the Republic. How this came to be is a rather random
story that's just about worth quickly telling. When the methodology for the M3
Motorway project was being finalised one of the suggestions made by the
National Museum of Ireland in their advisory role was that topsoil assessments
should be under taken over all of the archaeological sites that had been
identified during the testing phase of that scheme. The suggestion was
incorporated into the National Roads Authorities project design and after
specialist input from Dr Conor
Brady a methodology was devised for comprehensive topsoil assessments
consisting of large area Metal Detection and limited sample screening of
topsoil within the boundaries of all of the previously identified
archaeological sites. I had previously undertaken several spectacularly
unsuccessful attempts at metal detecting battlefield sites in Northern Ireland
and so sometime in 2005 my boss walked up to me and said "Stuart, you know
how to Metal Detect, I have a job for you..." Being a near exemplary
employee I of course immediately agreed to undertake the work with my usual
grace and docility and never, not even once, bitched or moaned about it.
Throughout much of 2005 I spent a great
deal of time whizzing up and down the route of the M3 with a team of 6 assistants,
following little beeps down through the topsoil and sieving our way through a
seemingly endless number of test pits. We found an awful lot of pieces of
tractor and handfuls of 19th and early 20th century coins as well as the odd
musket ball. At some of the post medieval sites we did find artefacts that
could be directly related to the underlying archaeology, but in most cases the
finds from the topsoil seemed to be quite detached from the interesting
archaeology that lay beneath it. Only at Dunboyne
2 was our methodology really found wanting when after 800 hits in a small
portion of the site the endeavor was abandoned. I still firmly believe this
site was once the home of a nail bomb testing facility, even if this
interpretation failed to gain official sanction. Towards the end of 2005 I was
taken off the topsoil assessment and went off to work on the excavations at Dowdstown
2 with Lydia Cagney, and the mighty warrior Derek
Gallagher took over the project until its completion sometime in 2006. The
most exciting find I can remember my team recovering was a Silver Florin from
Dowdstown 2, but Derek had more luck later on, finding a nice Medieval Ring
Brooch at Boyerstown 1 and two Medieval coins, a book clasp and an
important decorated prick spur at Lismullen. The site at Boyerstown 1
was subsequently subjected to much more intensive topsoil screening and metal
detecting, a process that eventually led to the recovery of over 7000 topsoil
artefacts associated with the underlying Medieval farmstead.
The results from all of this work are
included in the appendices of the M3 reports that have been published online. It remains
to be seen how well this data will be integrated into the final publications
from this project. I have often thought about going through the results and
trying to assess the value of the work, and if it hasn't been done already I'm
certainly not above taking this opportunity to highlight to any passing NRA
types that my services can still be secured at perfectly reasonable rates!
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Irish heritage being stolen one piece at a time. This procedure is compliant with the Code of Conduct of the Amateur Metal Detecting Association of Ireland ... but it certainly isn't legal. (Source) |
The other big discovery I made during my
work on that project is that Metal Detecting really isn't for me. I found it
utterly tedious and demoralising and I will certainly never be taking it up as
a hobby. It's actually quite hard for me to imagine a less appealing way of
spending my own free time … perhaps something in the order of being locked up
for a weekend in a police cell with nothing to read but a copy of a Richard Littlejohn
book called "I'm not a racist but..."
Metal Detectors in Ireland; the forbidden
A rather shocking
video recently appeared on YouTube that claims to be a film of 'Ireland's first metal
detecting rally’, which appears to have taken place sometime earlier this
year (2014) somewhere in County Wicklow. The narrator claims 15 people attended
this rally and certainly 11 different metal detectors are visible at one point
in the video (4min 30sec ff.).
The viewer is shown a series of early modern coins that were found during the
day and mention is made of a gold ring. When this ring is finally revealed it
thankfully seems to be more 'Discount at Argos' than 'Treasure of the Ancient
Celts', but there can be no doubt that what is shown is a video of an organised
crime. This video came to the attention of several archaeological discussion
groups and there was much outrage and some enjoyable Scooby Doo style amateur
sleuthing. Various people made sure that both the National Museum of Ireland
and the National Monuments Service were aware of the video.
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The 'Argosware' ring found in County Wicklow. Viewing the various videos posted by Wicklow 1966 it's clear that there is little interest in the historical value of the artefacts, everything is about the monetary value. In one video he spends an evening searching the seafront at Bray for lost change. (Source) |
don't even bother cleaning these, it’s just scrap bucket more or less." (9min 50sec)
Then whilst
looking at a tacky silver pendent, also fortunately Argosware, he says
"I just
gave it a quick rub in baking powder … do the aluminium spitting trick
after" (11min 11sec)
I've no idea
what the aluminium spitting trick is but it is clear from this section he isn't
properly recording or caring for the objects he finds. More importantly, it
seems he is quite happy to undertake conservation and cleaning of artefacts
without acquiring a 'License to alter' archaeological objects, another criminal
Like many
archaeologists, I would like to see the full weight of the law thrown at this
guy, not just for the crimes he is clearly frequently committing, but also as a
deterrent to others. The laws are very clear and the penalty offences relating to Metal Detectors
include fines of up to €63,486 and/or up to 3 months imprisonment.
There is no point throwing the book at people if it turns out to have all the
weight and substance of a Domino’s Pizza
leaflet. I would suggest something with the mass and solidity of the National
Museum of Ireland's own recent two volume corpus on excavated burials, Breaking
Ground, Finding Graves, would be more suitable. That ought to loosen
some teeth and fracture a jaw. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I can only
hope that more serious cases are being prepared against known, persistent offenders
by the National Museum of Ireland and the Gardaí (the
Irish police force), and that we will see more punitive measures taken in the
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A selection of the Metal Detectors in use during the County Wicklow rally. In this shot 11 separate detectors are seen leaning up against the gate, although if 15 people attended there were presumably a few more devices around. (Source) |
would it be approved? I'm really not sure. It would presumably be judged at
least partially on the merits of its project design. If the archaeological
research design was done properly, all the questions about the involvement of
the Detectorists were answered, and the availability of appropriate funding was
assured, then I can't see any particular reason why it shouldn't be. It is possible
that the Licensing section of the National Monuments Service and the staff at
the National Museum of Ireland would refuse it simply because they didn't want
to encourage Metal Detection as a hobby activity even in a way that would be
compliant with the law. I have not heard of any such proposal being sent in for
assessment so it is hard to say what the attitude would be.
idea brings up two obvious issues. As described above the Detectorists would
have to gather the funds to pay for the archaeologist’s time and to cover all
of the associated costs. This burden of costs is quite in keeping with other
hobbies that may have a dangerous or damaging affect. For example amateur
motorbike and rally road racers have to cover substantial costs for their dangerous
hobbies to be permitted by the State. But fund raising, sponsorship and grants
are often part of a hobby and it seems quite acceptable to transfer this cost
onto those undertaking the activity. This burden of costs would also be in
complete agreement with the EU wide principal of 'Polluter Pays'
under which so much archaeological work is already undertaken. Perhaps an
organised Metal Detection Club could come up with the funds to undertake a
useful study that would satisfy their desire to find buried artefacts whilst
simultaneously satisfying the requirements to provide useful archaeological
data regarding a particular area. The topsoil studies undertaken in the Boyne Valley could be
used as a model for the sort of project I am thinking about here. Such a
project would work well with recent efforts to increase public participation in
archaeological fieldwork, something that has been rather lacking in Ireland in
comparison to the UK for example where there is a long standing tradition of
'Amateur Archaeology'. The lack of active rather than passive public
participation in Irish Archaeology is too big an area to discuss here, but suffice
to say that with the exception of a small handful of recent projects and a few
of the more adventurous Archaeological Societies archaeology in Ireland would
meet almost every criteria of an elitist activity.
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One of the 15 participants at the Wicklow rally busily committin heritage crime. Apparently the participants donated 150 Euro's to a local charity after the event. Hopefully they will soon be making far larger 'donations' considering the maximum penalty for illegal Metal Detecting is a €63,486 fine (Source) |
second issue is probably more difficult to dismiss and I strongly suspect it would
stop such a project from ever getting off the drawing board. According to the
current legislation the Irish State is the owner of all archaeological
artefacts that have been found since the enactment of the constitution. This
claim to ownership also extends to artefacts that have yet to be found and,
therefore, there could never be a financial gain for any Detectorists involved
in a legitimate research project. The Detectorists would also not be allowed to
keep any artefacts in their possession, they would all have to be handed over
to the National Museum of Ireland. Whilst the National Museum of Ireland is
permitted to award a gratuity payment to members of the public who hand in
valuable archaeological finds this is very much dependent on the circumstances
of discovery and the speed at which the artefact was handed over. I doubt very
much for instance that any such payment was made to the family in Roscommon who
had been 'looking after' a gold
lunala since the 1950's and who 'graciously donated' it to the National
Museum after it had been stolen by thieves and subsequently recovered by the
Gardaí. The idea that the Irish State owns all archaeological artefacts is a
fundamental part of the legislation that protects Irish Heritage and it is, in
my opinion, a rather wonderful piece of law that makes the situation incredibly
simple. However, such a law rather would seem to remove one of the principle
appeals of Metal Detecting; finding buried treasure and getting rich from
selling it. How would this effect our hypothetical Metal Detecting club? The club members would be permitted the joy of
the discovery but not the benefit of the sale. Would they still be interested?
And here is where the real crux of the issue lies. How much is metal detection as
a hobby motivated by a thirst for knowledge and how much is it about making
money? Because removed of the chance to make thousands of Euro's in a single
beep the hobby would seem to becomes rather hopelessly monotonous and dull, and
could lead to seriously hampered finances for those involved... a bit like the
reality of a career in commercial archaeology!
England many Metal Detectorists make great play over their interest in history
and the great knowledge that is gained when they kindly elect to hand over
their finds to the Portable Antiquities Scheme.
Late last year Ed Vaizey,
Minister for Culture And Other Shite That Isn't The Top Job He Really Wanted,
referred to 'Responsible Metal Detectorists'
as 'Heritage Heroes', a choice of words he no doubt regretted when he
was deluged by irate responses from the UK's desperately poorly paid
archaeologists (reaction: here).
But would those heritage heroes really be out in the countryside giving up their
free time detecting away for the good of their nation rather than the good of their
own pockets? I suspect that if a similar law giving state possession to all
artefacts was introduced in England, the number of active legitimate law
abiding Metal Detectorists would be instantly reduced by several orders of
magnitude. In Ireland with no financial reward from a successful outing, and
with the burden of the costs resting with the Detectorists, it seems impossible
to envisage a legitimate hobby ever developing.
don't wish to be drawn too far into discussing Metal Detection in England but
there are a couple of important points that I would like to highlight. Firstly
Metal Detection is a fully legal hobby in England when undertaken away from
certain protected sites and when the landowners consent has been granted.
Ownership of artefacts generally rests with the landowner and some agreement is
in place between the land owner and the Metal Detectorist regarding how any
financial gains are to be divided. All finds of precious metal and prehistoric
metal artefacts must be reported to the relevant authorities for assessment and
it is encouraged that all finds are reported to the Finds Liaison Officers of the
Portable Antiquities Scheme. It's very obvious that this does not always
happen, but the PAS is set up in a way that attempts to provide every incentive
for reporting to occur. The scale of Metal Detection in England varies by
region but in certain areas known to be rich hunting grounds, for instance East
Anglia, it takes place at rates that alarm many archaeologists.
A Line in the Plough-soil
line that Metal Detectorists often claim is that the finds they uncover are in
the plough-soil and so are not really in genuine archaeological contexts, and
furthermore it is better that they recover as many such finds as possible before
they are damaged or destroyed by further ploughing. This argument does have
some merit although many archaeologists would see the entire landscape as a
giant archaeological site and that even plough-soil as an archaeologically
meaningful deposit. I would agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment. It is
also clear that Metal Detectorists do not always stop at the base of the plough-soil
in accordance with their own codes of practice but in some cases dig into
intact archaeological contexts. This is where the argument for archaeological
supervision really comes into play, it really isn't a great idea to let Metal
Detectorists determine what and what isn't an archaeologically important
a major difference between England and Ireland is the degree to which the
plough is in use. Approximately 44% of agricultural land in England is
currently regularly ploughed and agricultural land accounts for around 72% of
the total area. By my calculation that makes it roughly 32% of the entire area
of England that is regularly ploughed. In Ireland as little as 10% of
agricultural land is regularly ploughed and agricultural land accounts for
around 60% of the total area. By closing my eyes tight and sticking my tongue
out the corner of my mouth I calculated that just 6% of Ireland is regularly
ploughed. This would suggest that the threat from ploughing is far less severe
in Ireland which supports the idea of leaving artefacts alone until such time
that they are directly threatened by development of the land.
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Metal detection damage at a National Monument in County Wicklow recorded last year (2013) and currently under investigation. Image courtesy of Ivor Kenny |
not certain how many times topsoil assessments such as the one performed on the
M3 Motorway have been used in Ireland. The extremely important Early Medieval
and Viking settlement/trading site at Woodstown 6 in County Waterford has
already been mentioned. At that site extensive topsoil screening was used to
successfully recover many artefacts from the site which had indeed been
extensively ploughed leaving many features badly truncated and filling the
topsoil with artefacts. Other road projects where Metal Detection has been
successfully used include the N2 Slane Bypass, the N7 Heath-Mayfield Road and
the N52 Tullamore Bypass. It has also been used in relation to river dredging
projects and on individual sites where deemed necessary, an early example being
Una Cosgrave's 1988 excavations at Smithfield in Dublin. In a research contexts
it has been used to examine at least two battlefields in Ireland, the Battle of the Boyne
and the Battle of
Kinsale. No doubt many additional examples could be found where Metal Detection
and topsoil screening have been utilised.
with so many aspects of the developing practices in pre-construction
archaeology in Ireland the National Roads
Authority have been leading the way and, perhaps, one day proper topsoil
assessments will be a compulsory aspect of archaeological work. Certainly this
is an area where we could learn from our American colleagues who routinely
screen all soil removed from archaeological sites. The huge increase in finds
retrieval when screening is used has been well known about since at least the
1970's and that includes archaeological deposits that are carefully troweled
away, let alone ones that have been given a damn good mattocking. The increase
in cost and effort involved in such undertakings must be properly considered. I
would see a testing phase as used on the M3 Motorway as a vital procedure that should
be used to determine how the rest of the excavation might best proceed. It is
rather worrying to speculate about how many archaeological artefacts are now
contained in the banks and verges that delimit the new housing estates and
roads that were built during the great construction boom.
is an awful lot more that could be said about this issue, and several related
ones that have been but briefly mentioned here but as usual I fear I may have rambled
on for far too long already. I don't suppose the staff at the National Monument
Service and the National Museum of Ireland need or deserve any crap off the rest
of the archaeological community. No doubt they are working on this issue as
best they can given the limits of their budgets and presumably they have
various strategies worked out that they hope will resolve the problem of
illegal Metal Detecting. This does seem to be a problem that is on the rise and
educating the public, the Gardaí and the Judges about the seriousness of the
problem must be a priority. Should you feel like it perhaps this is an issue
that really could be affected by a concerted letter writing campaign to local
TD's. And giving crap to politicians is something I'm sure we all can agree
really is a noble and worthwhile hobby.
Well argued essay. I’m not a detector user, but a landowner who is conscious of the current move to “improve “ farmland by bulldozing everything that creates an obstacle to mechanisation and traffic by heavy machinery. To detect and save something, or leave lying, possibly forever?